Any individual can have a chipped tooth regardless of age or dental health. For adults, common causes of chipped teeth include biting down on something hard, a blow to the face, or a sudden fall. Regardless of how minor the chip may appear, it is essential to consult a dentist as soon as possible to avoid any further complications. Below, the best dentist in Newtown has discussed various indications that you must seek medical guidance.

Signs you need to consult a dentist for a chipped tooth

Watch out for these warning signs when you suspect you may have chipped your tooth:

  1. Pain or discomfort: A chipped tooth can lead to varying levels of pain and discomfort – from mild sensitivity to excruciating pain. The degree of pain depends on the size and location of the chip. If you experience persistent or increasing pain, it is important to consult a dentist promptly.
  2. Change in appearance: In some cases, a chipped tooth may not cause any discomfort but is visibly noticeable. A reputed dental clinic in Newton suggests taking immediate consultation with a dentist to prevent any further damage and improve your smile’s aesthetics.
  3. Sharp edges: The edges of a chipped tooth may feel sharp while running your tongue over it or when eating food. These sharp edges could potentially cut your lips, cheek, or tongue, so it is always recommended to schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as you can.
  4. Gum swelling/bleeding: Another indication that it’s time to consult your dentist is if you notice swelling or bleeding around your chipped tooth. This could be an early sign of infection which needs immediate attention.


Now that we have explored some signs on when to consult a dentist let us discuss the potential treatments for a chipped tooth:

  1. Dental bonding: This procedure is suitable for minor chips and cracks. The best dentist in Newtown will apply a tooth-colored resin material to the tooth, mold it into shape, and harden it with ultraviolet light. The result will be a natural-looking repair.
  2. Veneer: For chipped front teeth, a porcelain or composite veneer is the best solution. Veneers are custom-fitted thin shells that cover the tooth’s front surface, improving both appearance and function.
  3. Dental crown: A dental crown or cap is often recommended for more extensive chipping or damage caused by decay. The dentist first prepares your tooth and then places a custom-made crown over it for protection and strength.
  4. Root canal: When a chip exposes your tooth’s pulp (the innermost soft tissue layer), you may need a root canal treatment followed by a dental crown. Root canal therapy removes infected pulp and seals off the area to prevent further damage.
  5. Dental implant: In extreme cases where the tooth cannot be salvaged, your dentist may recommend extraction of the damaged tooth and replacing it with dental implants – an artificial tooth rooted in your jawbone.

While a chipped tooth might seem like a minor issue initially, consulting the best dentist in Newtown is essential to preventing complications and maintaining good oral health.