Lunch break is over and Manish has a meeting to attend at 5. But all he can think is about the next snack he is going to munch on. But the next thing that crosses his mind is his gastrointestinal issues. It’s a real pain! He has been diagnosed with Irritable bowel syndrome and life is no fun with this disease!

There are many people who can relate to Manish. Diseases like IBD, IBS, Crohn’s disease and other general tummy woes have become quite common in today’s world. So what can one do to live a worry-free life? Most importantly, what can one do to lead a life free from gut-issues?

 A lifestyle modification is an answer

Making certain changes in both lifestyle and diet is the first and foremost step one should take. The majority of one’s gut health depends on what one puts on his/her plate. Life is short and everyone likes to enjoy shakes, chocolate and other junk foods every now and then.

But ultimately, it’s best to make some smart choices and swap some junk foods with some healthy foods. As per the best gastro doctor in Kolkata, this is going to be effective for the long run.

Swap red meat for veggies 

First and foremost, red meat has to go.  Consuming too much of red meat is a leading cause of colon cancer. One’s lung takes at least a triple amount of extra time to digest red meat when compared to vegetables. In the time, the whole process puts a strain on one’s body. Opt for more greens and veggies instead. These contain minerals, vitamins, fibre and water. All these are easy to digest and there will be an alkaline environment inside one’s body.

Swap dairy with non-dairy options 

Consuming dairy products might be one of the biggest contributors to bloating, gas, diarrhoea, constipation and other GI diseases. Our digestive system will thank us when we choose non-dairy options. For example, one can easily choose vegan cheese, homemade almond milk and also vegan yoghurt instead of the dairy products.  A top gastroenterologist in Kolkata suggests such diet modifications for better gut health. If one is not able to arrange these vegan things on a regular basis, he/she can always talk to the nearest GI doctor.

Swap white bread for grainy bread

One of the easiest things you can do for your gut is swapping your processed white loaf with its wholegrain version. Whole grain contains a lot more fiber than processed grains because during the processing a lot of the fiber is removed.


As the best gastroenterologist in Kolkata says always go for whole foods whenever you can manage. It is always best to skip the stuff that your body doesn’t find to be quite friendly. However, never miss out on your calories and make sure to get enough nutrients from a wide range of plants.